Thursday, May 22, 2014

Do not be to quick to forgive a heinous action

I grew up Catholic and I am all about forgiveness, but I'm just not sure you can believe it before a punishment is served or there is a consequence to an action.

As pure metal is concerned I have been a fan of As I Lay Dying and as a comedy fan I have alway enjoyed Austrian Death Machine. Both bands fronted and formed by singer/guitarist Tim Lambesis. As I Lay Dying were labeled a Christian metal band and I was even part of a prayer circle with them once, but Tim's recent actions are anything but Christian. If you don't know the story Tim was arrested and now sentenced for the attempted hiring of a hitman to kill his estranged wife. Tim will be serving a six year sentence for his actions. Well fellow Christian Brian "Head" Welch from Korn as written a lengthy piece for Loudwire basically asking for his forgiveness and explaining how we all hit our low points in life.

Head's comments can be read in it's entirety here:
When I heard about Tim Lambesis’ arrest, I was really bummed out because I instantly had a flashback of being in that similar dark place with my divorce. I tried to visit Tim right away, but couldn’t work it out. I obviously felt horrible for how completely shocked and scared his wife must have been to hear the news, but my heart went out for Tim a lot because so many people immediately wanted to lynch him.
Not me and my crew.
We believe in second, third, even one hundred chances, if that’s what it takes. I mean, we’ve been given countless chances, so why not Tim? He’s a normal dude who had fallen into the darkest, most confusing, empty place. He needed brothers, not more enemies.
Well I don't disagree with that, but shouldn't we actually serve the punishment handed down before asking for forgiveness? Most of us in the human race do not understand the consequences of our actions until we are shown the error of our way.

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